Mr. Adul  Nilteeb

Last updated: 17 Mar 2021  |  2541 Views  | 

Mr. Adul  Nilteeb

Disadvantaged in Happiness

            All lives have balanced 24 hours a day.  But every life doesn’t have time for finding each own happiness.  When we spent whole day long consumed with work, that collecting capital for purchasing more happiness in the future.  For example, for better renovated house, brand new cars, and new boutiques clothes for party, packages for adventuring to unseen lands for newer vision, etc. or at least, relaxation in night time or holidays. Spending time with families or doing pleasure hobbies.  These are simple matters that bring joy in our daily life.  Fortunately, we still have time finding happiness in our own lives.  Some of us spent whole lives for survival, but still have inadequate life, just for stuffed.

           Being born in a family, having full stomach in every meals, sleeping without  dropping of rain because roof leak.  Without stinking to bother, and grow up till graduated with degree as certificated. This is an ordinary life.  But this living lifestyle can be named as Rich for the poor. 

             Men’s lives grow up with aims, and our aims usually changed accords to our age.  Any variation, we won’t refuse every aim all contains with happiness as fundamental factor.

            - Being childhood :- we’ve considered how we can play at most pleasure

            - Being young :- we’ve considered how we would fulfil lives with most vivid and colorful ways.

           Being in educational circle, we thought how we could reap knowledge into wisdom’s barn as much as we could.  Doors of opportunity will be opened wide.  And there will be many kinds of joyful waiting.

             Occupations are not just making a living, these are knitting childhood dreams, and they’ll bring income and balanced with emotional happiness.

            After success of lives, that was retirement age. Duration to consider how we can rest for reap and relax in the most comfortable way.  We’ll be reminded by influxes of our backward memories in each age that invited to miss them always.  Longer of ages means longer duration of happiness we shall harvest in life.

Without Money = Ungratify 

              Gratification is just temporarily friends of poor, swift departed from innocent age.  After that the life’s path maybe fulfilled with struggle and survival. Without adolescent’s colorful, none wisdom in treasure, without educational degree, without opportunity for better lives.  Occupations are earning a living just for release starvation, not gratify for knitting dream in childhood, without relaxation in retirement age.  The pass duration of long ages that’s persevere for difficulties.  We have the same 24 hours a day.  But someone may live life with no time for seeking what’s their lives’ happiness.

Topic: Disadvantaged in Happiness
Author : Mr. Adul  Nilteeb
Social Worker, Santisuk Foundation

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