Mr. Adisorn Soikampa

Last updated: 17 Feb 2021  |  3583 Views  | 

Mr. Adisorn Soikampa

Graduated : Higher Vocational Certificate
Institute : Samutsakorn Technical College 
Out of Project : 2563 B.E.

Thank you for Santisuk Foundation and the Sponsor who always helping me,co-  operate and knitting my dreams.  I'm very happy for her staff,that repeatedly given good    advices that aspired for me.  I've got scholarship from Gr.2 until graduation Higher Vocational        Certificate.  Flowing pictures of all supporting since I was a little boy that never ceased.  That's  real graciousness that I felt gratitude solemnly.  Santisuk Foundation participated in molding my life and improve my life. The noble thing that I may pay back to her is '' to be a good  example” for the next generation.


Mr. Adisorn Soikampa

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