Dr. Ratapon Thriamwichanon

Last updated: 18 Feb 2021  |  6003 Views  | 

Dr. Ratapon Thriamwichanon

The feeling that I have of being a part of Santisuk Foundation work in sponsoring a child is one of responsibility. Even though it is a small part, I feel that we all should have a responsibility to our society because people are not equal.  If each of us can extend a bit of help here and there through sacrificial giving of a few Baht, we will not be in trouble. This sum of money will turn out to be something that has value to the little ones in Santisuk Foundation. The money is used to provide education, free lunch and a good future for them.The most important point is that these young ones will be encouraged. They will know that there are people in our society who care enough to want to help them in times of trouble. When an opportunity arises in the future these children will also want to help the less fortunate people. When we all think alike our society will not lack of care and concern. Do not allow this great opportunity of sacrificial giving pass you by. Make a worthy contribution to society by sponsoring a child or two at Santisuk Foundation. There are still over 1,000 children in the Foundation who are waiting for you to give them an education, some hope and a reason for living. You can make a difference in their lives.

Dr. Ratapon Thriamwichanon

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