Mrs.Chonlada Yaibua

Last updated: 17 Mar 2021  |  2431 Views  | 

Mrs.Chonlada Yaibua

Echoes of Hope
         “Sister, I want to have further studies, could you help me please?” 

This voice is still keeping echoes in my heart continually.  During Covid-19 spreading-which was more severe every day.  That’s really affected worldwide in economic problems, political, health’s problems.  Various businesses collapse, millions were unemployed, multitudes end their lives by suicide; they couldn’t bear debt problems, and unable to bear torment anymore.

I considered about possibility to help disadvantaged good student who’s a poor like this boy to study until Bachelor Degree as he dreamed.  During economic recession, many agents, corporate both government and private sections, all of them encounter severe economic crisis.  Likewise, the eyes that look hopefully directed to me with voice of waiting that squeezed my heart.  I was painful with that voice and I recognized my life’s experiences when I was a little girl.  I used to be a poor girl.  In the first day of new semester, even schooling fees, textbooks, etc. they’re unaffordable for me to pay.  However I met a kind-hearted parent who gave me freely 1 set of textbooks (to use in one year). I also received from the government 1 set of student uniform; therefore I was ready for school. Another merciful teacher gave me a sum of money to pay for lunches at school (about 1 semester) ; I was compassionated by her because she saw my regular lunch menus are instant-noodle and morning glory (vegetable). I used to be a Scholarship Student supported by a Finance & Security Company, which I got THB.2,000.-, that’s truly big amount indeed for a poor girl in last 29 years.

            I recognized everything, poverty enforced me to do wicked thing…”to be a thief” I became a thief unintentionally because of my hungry.  I’ve decided to do the wrong deed.  However, education led me to become more ponder.  I’ve opportunities to do right things rather than wrong.  Nowadays I become a giver rather than receiver.  When I reconsider in any situations of mine;  that crying voice of that boy, similar to my torment which I encountered during my childhood.

            I repeatedly asking myself… “ how could I pass those difficulties”? I strongly believed that the word “opportunity”.  Opportunity which other people gave to me. That’s really helping me until graduated Bachelor Degree.  I thought it is precious and really great for me.  I have been working while studying but I never discouraged, because I’ve known there’re Sponsors. That exactly inspired and back up me.  Those Sponsors don’t need paying back but they expected me to be a good woman, and might have a good future.  Currently, I’ve done charity deed for society, seemingly paying back to them, and am being a Social Worker at Santisuk Foundation.  I understood real heart of poor children very well and acknowledged that education will be good fundamental.  Our nation will continue develop with potentiality.  How could if those children who changed and became main gearwheel for driven economic and develop our country.  Please join to be one of the strong fundamental makers for those underprivileged children along with Santisuk Foundation.
Topic: Echoes of Hope
Author : Mrs.Chonlada Yaibua
Social Worker, Santisuk Foundation

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