Last updated: 22 Jun 2022 | 2391 Views |
Thai Children,Lack of Opportunities
At present, Thailand is changing in various factors. Thailand as one member in ASEAN countries, there’s more developing. Whether it is production capacity, expansion of industrial plants, included construction and building improvement. Amendment and improvement, both of them are quite good, depicted Thailand is advance in progress. Thai people develop potential likewise.
Actually any development will achieve targets, necessity included various factors whether it is monetary metaphorically investment for planning to follow goals. While human resources are power driven included knowledge, skills and capabilities in order to prevail accomplishment.
Population increase rate is high up every year. Educational development is the most priority thus origin in improvement Thai people for the best fundamental. We must backward to initiation point; that’s having good education and ready to self-improve, to match inner-potential. Nowadays children met inequality among schools:- inequality in extra tutorial classes. In those classes we’ll meet 2 big groups, (1) Parents with affordable payment for special tuition (2) Parents who are unable to afford the payment for special tuition. These are factors of schooling in Thailand.
Some children would like to study but lack of opportunity, because poverty of their families. Some children were left and stayed with siblings, grandfather and grandmother, who are in old ages. Or having problems in families, unable to have schooling. Many children want to have further studies but they couldn’t. Some of them had to come out for work in order to lighten financial burdens of their families. Although they hope for better living, but working is losing in young age educational opportunities. Besides poverty, there’s also bad circumstances, and emotional problems. Some parents work hard, without precious time to take care children. Some dispute in front of their children, those children become lack of love & warm. Some children become stubborn, live with anger, wrath and finally alternate to choose the wrong way of lives.
Santisuk Foundation perceived importance of disadvantaged children in Thai society. Our duty is to be co-operate media to give opportunity for those children in self-development. That’s for seeking good chances in lives, sharing better occasion for them. This might be creating good opportunity for future hope of nation. While we overlook good opportunity in our lives. There’s many children waiting for opportunity. Sharing occasions with them. Believing that endowing good opportunities are the best thing for them. Please be kind to join in sharing your belongings and scholarship for those children at Santisuk Foundation or contact our facebook page of Santisuk Foundation or calling no.02-240-1729-30.
Topic: Thai Children,Lack of Opportunities
Author : Mrs.Sirapassorn Pasirip athapi
Social Worker, Santisuk Foundation
19 Feb 2021
21 Jun 2022
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18 Feb 2021