Khun Tanita

Last updated: 18 Feb 2021  |  3722 Views  | 

Khun Tanita

I’m one of many people who always wanted to help making this world a better place. Then I found out about Santisuk Foundation on TV. Seeing needy children’s backgrounds and Santisuk’s dedication to support them through the show, I suddenly decided to be part of the foundation. I made a phone call right after the show requesting to sponsor a child.
After that, Santisuk sent me some information about the child that I supported, including his cards, progress reports, and updates. Time passed by, now my son is studying in 2nd grade ; I have gathering all the things I got from Santisuk about the child in a folder because they remind me that I can help someone to achieve their goal.
Let’s start with a small step to help creating a better society.


Khun Tanita

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